We hope that you are enjoying the warm weather and taking time to be with your loved ones over the coming months.
At Links, we know that you want to be world changers, joining together with others to confront poverty and create potential! We believe that we are called to join with Jesus, as we follow Him to create a new world in the shell of the old. In order to do this, we need to actively and intentionally engage with the broken world that is so evident around us.
The needs can seem so big and so extreme, that more often than not we are left feeling overwhelmed! This, in turn, creates either a sense of paralysis, or burnout, as we try to either avoid or to engage with the needs in ways that are not always healthy and that don’t bring long-term solutions.
We have seen and fully believe that it is possible to change the world and we want to stand together with you to be a part of that change! Links has decades of experience joining with individuals, organisations, churches and businesses to engage in a meaningful and intentional way with the needs around us, seeing genuine change and transformation.
We invite you into this adventure by asking that you would partner more closely with us. For some that will mean connecting with us to regularly pray for the work. For others setting up or increasing your monthly giving. Or maybe it means looking at how your church or business could intentionally partner with Links.
We are in it together and none of the work would be possible without you. Through years of experience in this, we know that there is little else that can bring us as much joy and blessing as stepping into someone else's world to bring change and healing. It is then that we are also made whole!