
Grace's Legacy Lives On

October 3, 2023

Thank you so much to those of you who have given generously to Grace Barnes' Memorial Fund. Through your generosity and Grace's legacy, many lives have been impacted.

The money given for Grace's Memorial Fund has gone to our longstanding partners in Chennai, India - Inter-Mission Industrial Development Association. As part of their work, they run a young women's training centre and hostel.

The Young Women's Hostel and Training Centre is a safe haven for underprivileged young women from nearby villages who also study at the IIDA Skills Academy. It has been a great blessing to have this space that they can provide for vulnerable young women. The campus has been built with money given by donors and the new part of the campus was specifically built with funds that were given from Links for Grace's Memorial Fund.

With the money raised, the following work has been done:

- Roots removed from bathroom wall.
- Replacement of bathroom and kitchen doors.
- New flooring in bathroom.
- Old wire support beams removed in bathroom.
- Wash basins in the bathroom have been improved and painted. Taps and pipes have been replaced.
- New bathroom roof.

Your generosity towards this fund has helped create a safe, comfortable and dignified environment, enabling the young women to study and stay with our partners. This enables them to thrive and pursue their dreams.

We know Grace would be so happy to see the impact that the money raised has had. Her legacy is living on and continuing to impact and empower the lives of many.

Good Together

October 1, 2024

Here are some partner updates from our amazing team over at Links USA!

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Prayers That Change The World

October 1, 2024

We believe that prayer changes things! Our words change things! We want to ask you to commit to stand and pray with us, to pray for the work of Links, for the nations, and for our partners.

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Thank You Ann & Mandy

October 1, 2024

This month we say goodbye to Mandy and Ann as they start exciting new chapters. Though we are all sad to see Mandy and Ann go, we are also super excited for all that God has for them in this next season!

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In It Together in The Philippines

October 1, 2024

Joe and Jacob recently went on a trip to The Philippines where they were able to connect with existing Links partners and also build relationships with new ones. It was a great time and they saw God moving powerfully during their time there.

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Five Pillars of Transformation

September 2, 2024

In Links we believe in working together with our partners to bring holistic solutions to confront poverty and to create potential. We do this through five areas.

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