
Hope in the Midst of Devastation

May 1, 2024

"In the midst of devastation in the community due to the fire, we are thankful... for a God who makes all things NEW. Jesus is true HOPE." - Kalayaan Community Ministries (KCM) 

A few weeks ago, a huge fire ripped through the community around our partners KCM in Tondo, Manila, Philippines. KCM immediately opened up their doors to provide a safe space for families in need. They are still doing all they can to provide support, care and refuge to those who need it.

Thankfully, some residents have now been told by local authorities it is safe to rebuild. Others are still waiting while the land is made safe. The KCM building teams have begun building some of the houses.
Please keep our partners KCM, and everyone affected by this horrific tragedy, in your prayers and please consider donating to ensure they can continue having a huge impact on many lives in Manila. When donating, please specify 'KCM fire' so we can ensure your money is allocated to this. Thank you.

Links Africa Hub Impact Appeal

July 1, 2024

We are so excited to soon be launching our new appeal: Links Africa Hub Impact Appeal.

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Links Africa Hub Gets Its First Partner Visit

July 1, 2024

As our Links Africa Hub in Kenya develops, we hope that it will grow into a place for our partners to come, see and share holistic solutions to confronting poverty.

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Snapshot: Business Partner Impact

July 1, 2024

At Links we are incredibly grateful for our UK business partners, like Bunches, who support the work and efforts of our partner organisations around the world through their company's profits.

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Pray For Pakistan

July 1, 2024

Pakistan is a country of colour, wonderful hospitality and food, the best food in the world. However, it's also a country struggling with poverty and many social issues. We hear from one of our partners doing amazing work in Pakistan.

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Grafted Together

June 3, 2024

We have an exciting update from our Links USA team!

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