
Links in Kenya

February 1, 2024

Over 2023, the Links Africa office in Malawi has served 12 partner organisations across Kenya, Zambia, Malawi and Uganda.

As we enter 2024 Links are excited to move forward with developing our regional hub in Kenya. This new hub will:

- create more partnerships within East Africa
- become a site of excellence to showcase Links' core areas
- provide locally sustainable income for our involvement on the continent
- be the administrative centre to serve our Africa partners more effectively

Sam Walker, our Africa Region Coordinator, will move to Kenya to lead the expansion of this new Links Africa hub from February 2024. Links' work and commitment will remain the same for all partners on the African continent but working out from Kenya rather than Malawi.

Let's pray for Sam and Links Africa as they make this exciting move!

Links Africa Hub Impact Appeal

July 1, 2024

We are so excited to soon be launching our new appeal: Links Africa Hub Impact Appeal.

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Links Africa Hub Gets Its First Partner Visit

July 1, 2024

As our Links Africa Hub in Kenya develops, we hope that it will grow into a place for our partners to come, see and share holistic solutions to confronting poverty.

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Snapshot: Business Partner Impact

July 1, 2024

At Links we are incredibly grateful for our UK business partners, like Bunches, who support the work and efforts of our partner organisations around the world through their company's profits.

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Pray For Pakistan

July 1, 2024

Pakistan is a country of colour, wonderful hospitality and food, the best food in the world. However, it's also a country struggling with poverty and many social issues. We hear from one of our partners doing amazing work in Pakistan.

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Grafted Together

June 3, 2024

We have an exciting update from our Links USA team!

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