
Prayers That Change The World

October 1, 2024

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust.” (Psalm 91:1-2)


In days like these, where the news coming across the airwaves can feel overwhelming; with wars, conflicts, and disasters endlessly on the rise, it is easy to lose heart. I love that at the start of this monumental Psalm quoted above, the writer makes a statement, that changes our perspective about everything. God, ‘The Most High’, El Elyon in Hebrew, is our focus and refuge. The God who is over and above it all, the One who holds the ever-expanding universe in the palm of His hands, has each of us covered in His warm embrace.

For us in Links, with partners all around the world in conflict zones, facing horrendous persecution or the effects of extreme poverty and natural disasters, we are all too aware of the many ways that this world seems to be under attack; and yet time and time again we see God’s faithfulness in the midst of the storm, causing His children, to rise up ‘like eagles’ and facedown the darkest of clouds.

We believe that prayer changes things! Our words change things! We want to ask you to commit to stand and pray with us, to pray for the work of Links, for the nations, for our partners and for God’s peace, for His shalom –where there is nothing missing, nothing broken - to come like never before to this earth within our generation.


For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory ofthe LORD as the waters cover the sea. (Habakkuk 2:14)

Good Together

October 1, 2024

Here are some partner updates from our amazing team over at Links USA!

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Thank You Ann & Mandy

October 1, 2024

This month we say goodbye to Mandy and Ann as they start exciting new chapters. Though we are all sad to see Mandy and Ann go, we are also super excited for all that God has for them in this next season!

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In It Together in The Philippines

October 1, 2024

Joe and Jacob recently went on a trip to The Philippines where they were able to connect with existing Links partners and also build relationships with new ones. It was a great time and they saw God moving powerfully during their time there.

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Five Pillars of Transformation

September 2, 2024

In Links we believe in working together with our partners to bring holistic solutions to confront poverty and to create potential. We do this through five areas.

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Changing Lives a Mile at a Time

September 2, 2024

We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has registered their interest for next year's London Marathon. It's been amazing to see so many runners coming forward to take on the challenge! Our London Marathon 2025 team is now full and we already have people on the waiting list for 2026!

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