July 1, 2024
At Links we are incredibly grateful for our UK business partners, like Bunches, who support the work and efforts of our partner organisations around the world through their company's profits.
In the past year Bunches have resourced strategic projects and programmes with seven partners across three nations. Because of their ongoing commitment in the last twelve months these partners have collectively been able to impact 2175 households, seeing improvements to their quality of life in the areas of health, business, education and agriculture.
Some of the specific impacts include:
Links is committed to seeing al these impacts be as holistic and ongoing as possible through the wisdom and dedication of our partners.We believe through connecting more like-minded businesses to our partners and their incredible community programmes, we can see them reach thousands more households in the years to come.
Are you a business wanting to connect more to see lives transformed? Get in touch with us if you would like to know more about how to make an impact together. You can email us at hello@links.charity.
September 2, 2024
We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has registered their interest for next year's London Marathon. It's been amazing to see so many runners coming forward to take on the challenge! Our London Marathon 2025 team is now full and we already have people on the waiting list for 2026!